Powers and Abilities
Species: Homo Militaris (Enhanced Human)
Powers/Abilities: Artificially Enhanced Physiology, Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Stamina, Peak Human Agility, Peak Human Reflexes, Peak Human Durability, Peak Human Intelligence, Peak Human Senses, Accelerated Healing Factor, Advanced Longevity
As a professional arsonist and mercenary, Firefly is often called upon by various clients, but often by COBRA for his unique skill set and expertise. However, Firefly's pyromania, psychotic obsession with fire and sadism made him unstable to such a degree that he was likely to burn anything in his path, and simply watched it burn to ashes rather than complete his goals. Although Firefly is intelligent and displayed impressive planning and strategic skills, he is again hampered by his obsessions. Viewing fire as a force of nature, Firefly stated to be absolved of all faults due to having been purified by the flames. Firefly's scars also enforced that viewpoint and insanity to the point where he only wished to "purify" everyone else by fire, which displayed some form masochism. Firefly is also obsessively vengeful and had a deep hatred of anything that underwhelmed fire, such as for Batman and G. I. Joe.
Powers and Abilities
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: The Nanomite Solution enhanced all of Firefly’s bodily functions to the pinnacle of human physical potential. His intelligence, strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and healing is superior to any Olympic-level athlete that has ever competed. The Nanomite Solution is definite, meaning if Firefly chooses to live an unhealthy lifestyle with no workout training, none of his powers would be weakened by any means. Despite this, Firefly maintains a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen, which seems to have increased his capabilities further, much like how it increases strength, physical performance, and muscle control in non-enhanced humans.
Peak Human Strength: Firefly's strength is at the peak of human potential and shown to be stronger than an average human being. He is strong enough to break through a submarine hull with a single punch, effortlessly lift a man over his head with one hand and throw him several meters through an airplane window, casually kick an airplane door off the hinges while it's flying, send Wolverine flying with a kick, break the neck and arm of a superhuman Deadpool, throw an alien with one hand, flip Susie Sue on her head (she weighs over 600 lbs), hold the roof of a collapsed building and support the weight of a enormous cruise missile for an extended period of time. This type of strength also extends to his legs, allowing him to jump very high heights and leap long distances. Using highly effective muscle control, Firefly can apply practically superhuman force in his physical attacks to match Meta-human super-soldiers like Captain America (who easily has the strength of 10 men, possibly a dozen or more).
Peak Human Speed: Firefly can move at speeds equal to that of the absolute finest human athlete, being capable of running at a sustained 35 mph (56 kph). However, he has shown capacity to run at twice that pace over shorter distances when necessary or a mile "in just over a minute. While unarmed Firefly once blitzed an entire NYPD SWAT team before anyone could even pull the trigger. Firefly's speed allows him to be more than fast enough to stab Onyx so fast she didn't even notice. His fastest feats of speed to date is accurately shooting a battalion of soldiers faster than the eye can follow, despite guns already being aimed at him, and evading superhumanly fast spear strikes from an ancient-enhanced martial artist so fast he formed multiple afterimages behind him.
Peak Human Stamina: Firefly’s body automatically eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles; giving him exceptional endurance. Firefly is unable to feel the fatigue toxins flowing through his body, however this does not mean that he doesn't tire, it means he doesn't feel the effects of it. This grants him exceptional endurance and lung capacity. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours without any rest and before showing any signs of fatigue toxins in his bloodstream.
Peak Human Agility: Firefly’s agility is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, flexibility, equilibrium, coordination, and dexterity.
Peak Human Reflexes: Firefly’s reaction speed is almost ten times faster than normal humans, granting his reflexes at the superhuman level. Firefly has implied that he is capable of dodging bullets by seeing faster then them rather than reacting to the gun, which is partially of his enhanced senses.
Peak Human Durability: His bones and muscles are vastly harder and far denser than typical humans, as they are amplified to the highest human potential, making him extremely durable. He is durable enough that a concrete block, or a hardwook ax handle, have been shown to break against him with Firefly exhibiting little discomfort. He withstood being struck by an ironwood bat with no visible injury. This is how he survived other forms of extensive punishment throughout his career, such as withstanding a nearby explosion, being buried beneath a collapsed building after having been smashed through many walls and floors by many super-humans, and such as the time he landed on a vehicle, or a high altitude, low open parachute jump that lasted a few seconds from ten miles up, with little to no injury.
Accelerated Healing Factor: Firefly’s healing speed and efficiency is enhanced to function at the absolute peak limitations of human capabilities, which means he can heal faster than typical humans. The white blood cells and Nanomite Solution in his body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body, and other pathogens from his body, keeping him healthy and immune from all infections, diseases, disorders, etc. Firefly's metabolism work's several times faster than regular humans making it take incredible doses of drugs to incapacitate him. Firefly furthermore cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or impurities in the air, and is thus immune to typical terrestrial diseases. He is also immune to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus, which makes him genetically perfect. Firefly’s ability to heal is so great that his eyes regenerated after having being cut by Snake Eyes’s katana, he survived a bullet to the head, though he was unconscious for at least six weeks, and Dr. Mindbender surmised that Firefly recovered partially due to sheer willpower.
Peak Human Intelligence: His mental performance has been greatly enhanced, allowing his mind to; process information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude, a knack for quickly analyzing multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, eidetic memory (meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall), speed read, and deductive/reasoning skills.
Peak Human Senses: Firefly’s five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are enhanced to the highest limits of human potential; meaning they are better than average humans. He once said that he is able to dodge bullets because he sees faster than them, as if time itself is standing still. He was able to hear trucks driving by from far away, as well as the slightest footfall, and could feel heat through thick walls simply by lightly brushing against them.
Advanced Longevity: The Nanomite Solution prevents Firefly from aging, granting him the power of ageless immortality.
Expert Martial Artist: Firefly has previously mastered several martial arts like marine combat, muay-thai, boxing, judo and jiujitsu. Demonstrating himself to be far more skilled than before, he is capable of defeating multiple opponents such as a room full of Russian-mobsters, a room full of ninjas, Spyral trainees, undead Talons, and Metahumans simultaneously by manipulating or breaking limbs or spines, and can even fight blind. He was even capable of holding his own for a very long time against Batman, but was ultimately defeated.
Weapon Master: He can use every type of blade, firearm, explosive and heavy military weapons like pistols, shotguns, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, tasers, and rocket launchers.
Master Marksman: He could throw most if not all projectile weaponry with great aim and was well versed in the use of firearms.
Master Acrobat: His years of training and experience have made him an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes.
Demolitions Expert: He uses a large of array of explosives, but he favors custom made incendiary grenades. His custom incendiaries mostly resemble that of a signal flare stick, and small grey charges.
Master Spy: His advanced and extensive Ninjutsu and law enforcement training has made him a master at stealth, espionage, infiltration, and sabotage. Firefly is capable of breaching very high-security facilities with ease and without being detected. Firefly's stealth prowess is so great that he's capable of effortlessly breaking into a top-secret base a mile under New York City, infiltrate the President's White House in a short amount of time, breaking and entering into the Pentagon instantly, the maximum security The Raft, a G. I. Joe facility, Stark Industries and the Avengers's supposedly impenetrable hideout, and even the infamous Area 51 and Area 52 completely unnoticed. He has proven to be very familiar with military protocols and codes, as he casually anticipated and countered law enforcement/paramilitary tactics and strategies.
Multilingual: Firefly is fluent in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, French, and Italian. He might be lingual in other languages.
Expert Vehicular driver: He is proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles.
The name Firefly.
When Cobra needs a building to disappear, the demolition expert Firefly is their go-to. While he's certainly not above a more direct approach, Firefly's prefers more subtle, surgical methods of doing his job. He knows that the key to a successful sabotage is more than just finding a structurally unsound place to blow up, it's about doing something small that will make the job take care of itself. After all, why go to the trouble of having to sneak around planting bombs when you can exploit a small, subtle flaw in the building's design and have the people inside do it for you?